The basic premise of the game is that a team of explorers find an ancient temple, hoping to get their wish granted by a resident spirit. However, a rival team has also found the temple, hoping to get their wish granted instead. After a collapse, both teams have a member die and become a ghost. Now the teams have to compete to get their dead member resurrected. Gameplay consists of searching the labrythine temple for the gem, which is hidden in one of many chests. After finding the gem, they must offer it up on the team's altar, while preventing the other team from stealing it. The teams must leverage the unique abilities of each member to successfully collect the most gems and get their wish granted. This was a team project done for the Video Game Design course at U of M, created in Unity. This was a huge learning experience for me, in video game design, implementation, Unity itself, as well as user experience design.
Christoph Bartschat
About Me
I'm a recent grad of the University of Michigan with a BSE in Computer Science. A few of my favorite things are concrete, isopods, and parkour.